Stories written in English with at least 10,000 words will have text-to-speech automatically added to them in the coming months. How can I get text-to-speech added to my story? If you select the X1.0 button, you can increase or decrease the speed of the voice. You can use the two icons at the top right corners to jump back or forward ten seconds. At the top of the page, you will see a control panel.ģ. Begin reading a story that has the tag #texttospeech.Ģ. You can tell if it’s available by loading the story and looking for the audio player at the top of each chapter.ġ. We aim to include text-to-speech in all stories written in English over the coming months. You can find all stories with text-to-speech by searching the #texttospeech tag. It can also make it easier to enjoy stories at your own convenience, especially if you can’t give your full attention to a screen. At the moment, this feature is only available for stories written in English.įor those with visual impairment or difficulty reading, text-to-speech can be a useful tool for accessing the story.

This started as a time-limited test and is now being expanded it is subject to change as we learn more about how text-to-speech can serve Wattpaders. It's also now available in some stories on Wattpad! Using text-to-speech technology, we have made these stories available in audio so more people can enjoy their favorite story however they please. Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud.